Wednesday, October 8, 2014

Sci-Fi Vehicle Prop Concepts

Sci-Fi Vehicle Props

1.  First idea is to take an old World War 2 Battleship and give it that futuristic look to it, just like what concept artists did on Space Battleship Yamato 2199.  They took the USS Arizona and gave it a more bolder sci-fi look.  Hooray for the Japanese Anime!

2.  For the second vehicle prop, I will be concentrating on looking at the R-Type Space Fighter Ship and will concept out a brand new look (possibly taking some design elements and bring them into my designs).


  1. Sounds cool, look forward to seeing what you come up with.

  2. Hey bro i like the first one. I seems pretty big lots of modeling to do but remember module pieces! I m not sure exactly which one you wanna do for the 2nd you got a lot of concepts up there so id recommend drawing or deciding on a final so you have a definite picture of which you wanna do but yea bro i cant wait to see them!
