Tuesday, February 17, 2015

Week 6: VT Behemoth, UV Layout in progress

The UV layout for this mech is in progress but a time consuming process to complete.  Parts of this mech (the low poly version) have been sectioned off into nine areas and the leg is the largest piece to UV layout.

Sunday, February 15, 2015

Week 5: Tutorial

Quixel Suite Workflow


dDo Breakdown for the AK47 *Inspirational Video*


Week 5: USS Missouri SBS-63 Space Battleship

Revisiting the texture process to this space battleship and currently reviewing some tutorials on Quixel Suite.

Tuesday, February 10, 2015

Week 4/5: Starcraft 2 Terran Medivac

All that is needed for this model is the smaller parts.  The focus on this model was to get the larger parts out of the way before starting on the smaller parts.  The first seven slides showcase the major parts of the Medivac.

Monday, February 2, 2015

Week 3/4: VT Behemoth Update

Missile Launcher added.  Separated main cannon unit's raising mechanism to two parts, refer to the sixth photo down.  Moved verticies on main body to follow the shape and form (refer to seventh photo).

Sunday, February 1, 2015

Week 3: Starcraft 2 Terran Medivac

Week 3: Tutorial

Maya for Beginners Tutorial: 3D Modeling A Spaceship Part 1 by Misterh3D


Maya for Beginners Tutorial: 3D Modeling An Airplane In Maya Part 1 by Misterh3D


Inspirational Video:  Maya - Spaceship Modelling Timelapse
